Laws and Reports

Laws and Reports

A compilation of relevant legal information and government reports.

Revisiting 16/12

Revisiting 16/12

Documentation of the incident, the protests that followed, and opinion formation since then.

A year on

A Year On

A reality check on whether institutional response since 16/12 has changed anything.

Why Police Reforms?

Why Police Reforms?

Why institutional reform is critical to ensure there are no more 'Nirbhayas'.



Subject experts speak on sexual violence, policing and the law since 16/12, a CHRI compilation.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

In this section of the blog we are featuring subject experts to comment on the following areas: occurrence of gender crimes in India, the challenges of addressing gender crimes, the need to reform the police in India, the changes in the law since 16/12 and how well they have worked.

Please click on the labels above with the names of the persons interviewed to read further.


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